Devotional Guide

In the two weeks leading up to our Grace Offering we're going to immerse ourselves in grace. That's not to say that we will sin more so that grace may abound (Paul argued against that in Romans 6), but we want to soak up what God has done for us. For it is only when we truly appreciate what God has done for us that grace will flow through us.

For each day from March 23 - April 5 we'll take a look at a Scripture that teaches us something about grace. As I was putting all these verses together I was surprised to see that grace is more often used to express the change that takes place in our life rather than just the forgiveness we experience. Both are important concepts in understanding grace, but I tend to believe we have emphasized the forgiveness aspect far more than the transforming aspect.

Each day read the Scripture (you may want to go a little deeper and read the verses before and after as well), read the brief thought, and then use the prayer to bring your thoughts before our Father.

So join us as we delve into this amazing grace!

Friday, March 20, 2015


I have three verses for you today and each one talks about grace being distributed to every believer. 

Today's Scriptures:
1 Peter 4:10
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.

Ephesians 3:2
Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you.

Romans 12:6
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.

Today's Thought:
These verses remind me of the days when I played Little League baseball.  One of the most exciting days was when uniforms would be distributed.  We'd gather around coach smothering him with our excitement as he called out our names one by one.  What a thrill to get that cap and that uniform.  He distributed those items with the expectation that we would use those.  These were not to be stored in a closet or framed for display - these gifts were meant to be used!

The Greek words for grace and gift share a common root.  Once again, I'm reminded that grace is not just a gift that comes and goes, but a gift that empowers me to become a giver myself.   Grace prepares me for the game.

As we progress in this two week period of prayer and fasting I want us now to especially think about how God's grace has been given to us so that we can become givers.    Grace has been distributed to every one of us and it becomes our job to faithfully put that gift to God's service.

I remember those baseball caps I wore.  The day we received them they were fresh and new.  By the end of the season those same caps, sweat-stained and tattered, bore the marks of use.  The grace-gifts God has given us are not for display purposes, they are to be put to work.

Today's Prayer:
Dear gift-giving Father, as you have distributed grace-gifts to each of us, help us to get in the game using those gifts to be part of your mission to flood the world with your grace.   In whatever measure you have gifted me, may I take those gifts off the display shelves and into the battle.  In Jesus name.  Amen

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