Devotional Guide

In the two weeks leading up to our Grace Offering we're going to immerse ourselves in grace. That's not to say that we will sin more so that grace may abound (Paul argued against that in Romans 6), but we want to soak up what God has done for us. For it is only when we truly appreciate what God has done for us that grace will flow through us.

For each day from March 23 - April 5 we'll take a look at a Scripture that teaches us something about grace. As I was putting all these verses together I was surprised to see that grace is more often used to express the change that takes place in our life rather than just the forgiveness we experience. Both are important concepts in understanding grace, but I tend to believe we have emphasized the forgiveness aspect far more than the transforming aspect.

Each day read the Scripture (you may want to go a little deeper and read the verses before and after as well), read the brief thought, and then use the prayer to bring your thoughts before our Father.

So join us as we delve into this amazing grace!

Friday, March 20, 2015


Today's Scripture:
2 Corinthians 6:1
As God’s fellow workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.

Today's Thought:
There comes a time in our Christian lives when we have to ask ourselves the question, "Has God's grace really had an effect on me?"  Grace never leaves a person the same, and if we have not seen some changes in our lives, then we need to reevaluate our understanding of grace.   That's not to say I never sin or that I have become perfect, but it is to say that in receiving God's grace I should have become more like Him.

Some indications of the changes that should take place might include the following:

  •  Am I more interested in reconciling with people rather than alienating them by my pride and unwillingness to understand?   Have my relationships been blessed by knowing God and by living in His grace? 
  •  Have my choices on how I spend my time and resources been affected by God's grace?  Am I drawn to righteous activities rather than sinful ones?  Does sin have less of an appeal in my life?  Do I more naturally make godly decisions?
  •  Do I handle disappointment and hardship differently than I used to?  Am I more characterized by hope rather than despair?
  •  Does heaven have more of an appeal to me?  Am I more aware of the temporary nature of this life and the eternal nature of the life to come?  Do I yearn more for life to come?

It’s always wise to take a spiritual inventory and hopefully in this two week period we all have allowed ourselves to focus on our spiritual selves and our spiritual needs.  Heaven forbid that God's grace is in vain.

Today's Prayer:
Father, I want to experience the changes in my life that come from living in recognition of your grace.  Help me to be aware that the more I focus on this world the less I will be transformed spiritually.   Move me to be more aware of the eternal life you have called me to, and as heaven becomes more real let me experience a greater level of joy and peace.  May your grace work great things in my life.   In the name of Jesus I make this appeal.  Amen

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